6 Best Foods For Runners

6 Best Foods For Runners
19 Maret 2020

If you’re a runner, fueling your body with the proper foods is super important. Running may be a great workout and burns plenty of calories, meaning you've got to fill your body up with nutritious foods and plenty of carbs. Eating enough food is particularly important for runners because they have to take care of energy and fuel their muscles. These are 6 of the simplest foods that each runner should eat:


Great with breakfast or for a snack, bananas are the perfect food for runners. Bananas are high in carbs and therefore the perfect snack before an enormous run to offer you that much-needed energy boost. they're easy on the stomach and low in fiber, so it'll not pose any issues during an actual run.


If you’re a runner, you’re probably conversant in never-ending soreness. Running may be a high-impact workout which will cause issues for your legs. Berries are great because they’re high in fiber, but also vitamin C and potassium, which helps the body to repair itself.


Running can improve your bone density, so it’s essential to fuel your body with enough calcium. Yogurt also contains carbs and protein and features a high percentage of amino acids. It’s best to eat yogurt right after a run because it has been found to enhance recovery time. Plus, the probiotics in yogurt are fantastic for your gut!

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a superb source of vitamin E and healthy fats. vitamin E may be a super effective antioxidant and healthy fats can lower your cholesterol levels and improve your system . And as a runner, it’s essential to possess a strong system so you'll recover as quickly as possible.


Broccoli may be a magical vegetable for runners because it’s full of vitamin C, which has been found to scale back or maybe prevent sore muscles post-workout. It is also high in calcium, potassium, and fiber, which are all great for the body.

Whole-Grain Pasta

It’s no secret pasta and runners go hand in hand. Runners got to refuel their energy levels with many carbs, as long as they’re healthy carbs! Whole-grain pasta helps to fuel your glycogen store, which provides you the energy you would like for an enormous run. Whole-grain pasta is additionally filled with B-complex vitamin, which builds your muscles and improves your endurance.
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Zefy Arlinda

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  1. Saya bukan runner. Kayaknya saya mau juga karena enak. Hihihhi.
    Terutama pisang. Saya suka... suka sekali

  2. Saya bukan runner, tapi seneng juga makan pisang, kalau runner mesti jaga pola makan dan asupan makanan yang bergizi ya biar tetap fit

  3. Kayaknya gak cuma buat runner tapi buat kita2 apalagi anak2 bahan2 makanan itu cukup baik dikonsumsi yaa., Soalnya dapat menambah energi gtu :D

  4. semua makanan memberikan kecukupan vitamin dan zat gizi yang dibutuhkan plus serat. rendah lemak dan bikin sehat para pelari. Cepet juga mengembalikan energi ya kak.... kayanya boleh banget diterapkan bagi kehidupan hari hari

  5. Makannya bukan cuma buat runner ya kak, kadang saya juga mengonsumi makanan tersebut buat sehari hari hehehe

  6. Whole grain sama berries susah nyarinya kak. Kalo yg lain ada aja, aman. Favoritku brokoli sih

  7. Aku bukan pelari dan rasanya olahraga yang paling tepat buatku adalah jalan santuy.
    Hahaha...karena aku melakukannya ga rutin, jadi kerasa banget abis lari tuuh...badan pegal luar biasa.
    Apa harus konsumsi beberapa makanan di atas dulu yaa...

  8. Ga cuma untuk pelari, Anak-anak juga pasti akan lebih fit staminanya saat belajar di sekolah kalau kita kasih semua ini ya Moms

  9. From the list, nay for brocolli, others are yay

  10. Those r good foods I enjoy the most bc healthy and I feel the good vibe inside. That's why such a common thing to find bananas as one of snack in running event

  11. I think banana is more cheaper than other food in the list, i'll stick with banana. hahaha

  12. Mudah ternyata ya mencari bahan makanan utk pelari. Nutrisinya jg bagus gitu. Bahkan mungkin utk yg bukan runner jg cocok.

  13. I love banana so much. Kalau makan pisang energi bertambah. Suami juga suka pisang
