12 Makeup Artist Approved Tools You Would Like

12 Makeup Artist Approved Tools You Would Like
24 Maret 2020
12 Makeup Artist Approved Tools You Would Like

Specific tools can make your routine far more manageable and therefore the resulting cleaner. These are some tools makeup artists recommend, which can assist you with the makeup application and can cause you to look better.

1. Eyelash Curler

A good eyelash curler can make an enormous difference. When your eyelashes are curled, they create your eyes seem bigger and brighter, and that they also will appear for much longer. You furthermore may want to use the eyelash curler correctly. Start at the rock bottom of your lashes and work your high top.

2. Brush Cleaning Mat

It is vital to stay your brushes clean to avoid the irritation of the skin, and this product will assist you to do exactly that.

3. Sculpting Bar

A good sculpting bar can do wonders when used with a serum. It helps for better absorption and also helps the blood flow in your skin.

4. Powder Brush

A big fluffy brush may be a must for applying powders. It'll allow you to select up and distribute the merchandise evenly.

5. Beauty Blender

This legendary product truly revolutionized the appliance of products and maybe a must-have. You would like to possess this product for a natural, airbrushed finish.

6. Kabuki Body Brush

Kabuki brushes are great to use shimmering lotions to your skin or a self-tanner.

7. Face Roller

This tool is superb for massage and may help with sculpting the face.

8. Facial Steamer

A facial steamer can offer you beautiful skin as you’ve just walked out of a salon. It helps open up the pores, and may also moisten up the air in your room.

9. Flat Eyeshadow Brush

A flat eyeshadow brush is great for packing the merchandise onto the lid. It'll assist you to get the specified pigmentation easier and works great when used damp.

10. Tapered Crease Brush

You need an honest tapered brush to blend out the eyeshadow into the crease. This brush also can set the under eyes or blend out concealer.

11. Tweezers

Tweezers are a must-have in any beauty bag. Makeup artists recommend those with angled ends, as they're going to assist you to get obviate the unwanted hair fast.

12. Spoolie

Having a clean spoolie available may be a fantastic thanks to fluffing out your brows or to brush out your eyelashes after applying mascara.
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Zefy Arlinda

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  1. Ya ampun! 12 hal di atas kayanya cuma punya 1-2 saja. Maklum bukan beauty antusias ini. Jadi seadanya banget kalau dandan

  2. Karena gak terlalu suka dandan, hanya beberapa alat makeup yang saya gunakan. Hanya yang paling sering digunakan aja

  3. Duh, saya nggak pakai make up euy, pi ini pasti bermanfaat buat ci Ayang di rumah.

  4. ah harusnya ada fotonya nih, soalnya aku gak begitu paham tools MUA nya yang mana, hoho
    cuma tau yang nomor 1 dan 4, haha

  5. I didn't even know any of these listed tools above, maybe i can learn how to identify it one by one.

  6. AKu yang lagi pengen punya no 7 dan 8 mbak. Apalagi masa magabut kek sekarang lbh sering maskeran hahaha. Trus abis itu menguap wajah keknya seru yaa. Pas wabah berakhir wajah tambah cling ngarepnya gtuuuu hehe

  7. I don't have face roller and facial steamer. Hope i can have it soon, completing my tools

  8. Sebagian alat make up ini saya punya loh Mbak, tapi berhubung saya ga rajin dan gak pintar berdandan,, hasilnya ya gitu-gitu aja :) jauh dari beauty mbak

  9. Can you give the picture of each tools?
    Huhuu...i only know brush and beauty blender.
    Poor my knowledge bout beauty tools.

  10. Kalau senjatanya sudah lengkap dan emang paham penggunaannya maka make up akan menyenangkan. Melukis wajah jadi menyenangkan. Janagn lupa habis dipakai dibersihkan dan disimpan dengan baik agar siap digunakan kembali

  11. Soo many tools we as a woman can use to ease applying the makeup, this year I learn to use brush, beauty blender, and face roller. Not all tools I try because I minimalism livin hihi

  12. Wow! All of this stuff is new for me. Which one should I have as beginner?
