What Does Vitamin F Do For Your Skin?

What Does Vitamin F Do For Your Skin?
24 Maret 2020
Vitamin F

Including vitamins in your skincare regime offers many benefits. From the moisturizing qualities of vitamin E to the brightening effects of vitamin C, welcoming vitamins into your skincare products and routine may be a good way to possess your skin looking and feeling it's very best.

What Is Vitamin F?

Vitamin F is arguably one among the less talked about vitamins in terms of its skincare benefits. However, it's actually a fantastic one to implement into your routine. it's also mentioned as linolic acid, and it's an important carboxylic acid from the omega 6 families. This incredible skincare ingredient works to repair and maintain the skin’s barrier and also provides an anti-inflammatory effect. It is often found in oils like rosehip, sunflower, argan, olive, flaxseed, and chia, meaning it can easily be incorporated into your diet and your skincare products to ascertain even further benefits.

What Are The Advantages Of Vitamin F? 

Vitamin F benefits the skin by making ceramides that build the skin’s outer, visible layer, also referred to as the skin’s ‘barrier.’ The ceramides then cement the skin cells together to stay your skin as healthy as possible, while maintaining optimal hydration levels and blocking out harmful pollution, infections, irritants, and UV light. These external factors can damage your skin. When your skin is lacking in vitamin F, it can appear flaky, dry, and even red and inflamed, also making it more susceptible to eczema, acne, and sensitivity. Including vitamin F in your skincare regime will:

  1. Nourish and moisturize your skin
  2. Protect your skin’s barrier from harmful pollutants
  3. Helps maintain healthy hair and nails also as a skin
  4. Soothe dry and inflamed skin
  5. Help fight breakouts and acne
  6. Fight infections and irritants
  7. Keep skin strong, soft and smooth

Have you added vitamin F to your skincare routine?
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